Monday, April 19, 2010

Inspiration for the Week

Spring is here! The weather is getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining brighter than ever! 2010 is the Year of Action!
Below are a few tips on starting your new season off right, based loosely from an article in Essence Magazine. I read this a few months back, and found it extremely helpful, so I had to share it! Read on and please add on to the list!

1.) You are the most important person in your life. Act that way. Treat yourself with respect.
2.) Lose any guilt.
3.) Invest in yourself. Including your physical health, emotional and mental health. Try to exercise on a regular basis, cut back on unhealthy behaviors. When you look good, you feel good! Pamper yourself! Feel good from the inside out!
4.) Let go of the toxic, negative people in your life. Now!!!
5.) Embrace your worthiness. What has been done to you does not define who you are, and neither does what you have done. God is doing a new thing! He has made all things new; your past is exactly that, history.
6.) Forgive yourself first. Forgiving does not mean forgetting, it really is okay to let things GO. Holding on to any pain does not help, it only hinders.
7.) Keep your heart open. Acknowledge the good people in your life, show them that you appreciate them. To have a friend you must first be one. Stay thankful and grateful at all times. It does not have to be as good as it is.
8.) Find out what you want out of life, and GO GET IT! Figuring out what you want is the hardest part. There is absolutely nothing you can not do!
Life is complicated! But our attitudes does not have to be.

1 comment:

  1. i remember reading that too, but reading it again after a while is remotivating (is that evn a word?) i'm luvin ur blog (check mine out too ;) )


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