Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Check Me Out!!!!

Check out the pictures!
And be sure to visit their website, www.businesspotlightnetworking.com for more information!
It was an awesome event and I was honored to be apart of it!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
AMPS Chicago Magazine Interview!

I will be featured in a in-depth interview about my newly released book, "Miss Thang! Destiny Fulfilled!" Be sure to pick up your copy hitting newstands starting December 1st 2010 or visit www.ampschicago.com
Saturday, November 13, 2010
New Pictures...New Me...New Season!!!

Angela Wilson, Inc.
"Building my Empire in 4inch Heels"
2010 has been such an awesome year for me! God is so good...and yes, HE gets all the credit! 2011 will be even better! I'm speaking over my future, encouraging myself in Christ. I have no other choice. He didn't give up on me...there's NO way I should give up. I've come too far to stop now!
September 2010 I published my first book! And I'm currently working on the follow-up book to "Destiny Fulfilled" entitled, "Crown Holder", which will be released Fall of 2011! In addition, I'm working a completely different career move. (Shhhh...it's semi-secret!) Super excited where God is taking me!
I'm determined to live my life to the fullest..."Golden" as Jill Scott sings it! Life is just too short to not follow my dreams. I'm chasing my dreams...forget following them. I'm literally stalking them...until they become a reality.
As the year of 2011 fastly approaches, I'm ready for the world. I'm ready to upgrade to another level in every area; closer to God, career wise, family wise and school wise. And I know for a fact...God will NOT let me lose!
Gladys Knight "I Hope You Dance": My New Theme Song
"When you get the choice, to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance!!! I hope you dance."
Saturday, November 6, 2010
YBP " The Fab and The Fierce" Interview!

Saturday, October 23, 2010
Visit My Official New Website!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Fantasia, For Real...

The blogs has been going HAM on the expense of Fantasia. Sad, but true. Society loves negativity. When you're at your weakest moment, when all your drama is out, when vicious lies and rumors are unstoppable is when the media is at it's happiest. And it truly is sad that the media actually captalizes on the demise of someone else.
I can relate to Fantasia on so many levels, and in so many ways. I myself have endured public humiliation, ( of course not on such a greater scale), but my pain was broadcasted on my entire college campus. And considering my undergrad is in the top 3 biggest schools list, the audience was big enough!
Her recent suicide attempt has been the latest subject of the traumatized soul singer. I, too, "wanted out". At one point in my life, I wanted it all to be done with...even to the point that I, too attempted suicide. How does a person get to that point? I'll tell you. It's when they lose hope, they lose all faith and feels as if this is it. It's nothing to live for anymore, so death feels like peace. I have been to that point, but thank you Jesus, I am a living testimony.
I know what it feels like to hit rock bottom. I know what it feels like to have people talk about me, betray me, lie to me, embarass me, down me, and enjoy my downfall. I know how it feels, and it is not a good feeling.
Watching her exclusive interview after her whole suicide fiasco, I became slightly emotional and actually connected to her. At one point, she began to tear up until the tears couldn't help but fall on her cheeks. I actually felt her pain, I understood her. I hung onto almost every word because I can relate to every one of them.
My prayers are with Fantasia. Regardless of the facts of her alleged and highly publicized affair with a married man, to love and to loose is a beating to the heart. My heart was connected to a man I loved more than myself for over a year after our seperation. Loving somebody who could actually care less about you freakin` hurt. Hurt like hell. But thank you God for healing. Now, I can share my story with the world to show the glory of God. And I bet that Fantasias story will, too. In fact, I know it will. Even angels learn how to fly...all you have to do is try.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Real Mothers don't eat quiche; They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors, Filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough Doesn't come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what The vacuum just sucked up.......
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?' And get their answer when a littleVoice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth Is not measured by height or years or grade... It is marked by the progression of Mommy to Mom to Mother.....
4 YEARS OF AGE - My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother doesn't know everything!
14 YEARS OF AGE - My Mother? She wouldn’t have a clue..
18 YEARS OF AGE - That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE - Well, she might know a little bit about it!
35 YEARS OF AGE - Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE - Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE - Wish I could talk it over with Mom.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Ambitious Girl
Wales spoken word jawn, "Ambitious Girl" is such an accurate description of me. I refuse to be unsuccessful; living a life without any real meaning or purpose. I'm married to my career. God loves my business! I encourage you to listen to this song, the lyrics are also below (please excuse the swearing, couldnt find a clean version). This song needs to be played on the radio every five minutes to teach young girls where their focus should be, and 9 times out of 10, it isnt in somebodys video or pole.
Make sure your ambitious!! Don't let your dreams become disappointed in you! They're depending on you to make them come to past. Stay ambitious!
"Ambitious girl, the drive-drive me crazy
I'm tryna stay with you, lay with you
I'll pay you tuition, pray with you if you aint intuition
I'm tryna fxck the shxt out your aspirations
see, the last one I dated, I hated
we wake up, i go to work, she leave out
come back with some make up, high heels, and a purse, or
worse i ask, "Babygirl, what you aspire to be?"
she reply to me like, "why you perspiring me?" bxtch..
pardon me if I'm sweating you but,
I wanna see something else in you before I invest in you
ambitious girl, (what you sitting for)
I'd rather you tell me to hit you later,
because you gotta finish a paper
then to be in my face asking for a rosea cup
see these bxtches can't cut in yo business
I'm in love with your business
and your productivity is the reason I intrest, ambitious girl
see, I like the person that you are,
but I'm in love with the person that you have potential to be
and all your dreams sharing with me
and your secrets baring with me
and the flaws, you aint even got to mention to me,
ambitious girl, you just wanna win, and you'd rather chase your dreams,
then to try to chase these men
that try to chase these skirts
that try to chase these shots with flavors that not even as sweet as her
my ambitious girl, I wont forget you,
I just reflect on how I aint met you, yet boo
you somewhere, getting your life in order
so for the time being, i hope this (overscribe) might support her
support her, or work her, she worth it
go girl X3, ambition"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Inspiration for the Week
Monday, June 28, 2010
Quotes to Make You Smile!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Are You A Dime?

So, are you really a dime?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Why I'm Still A Fan of Chris Brown...

Even after all the drama that Chris Brown has endured, though 100% self-inflicted, I am still an avid fan of Chris Brown. Regardless of what your personal opinions of him are, his singing, dancing, and performing talents are strictly undeniable.
I find it incredibly funny how quickly people judge one another. The all so famous "Chriannagate" scandal was just one prime example.
And Most Definitely This...
What's not to like? :) If you've never made a mistake, puhleaze cast the first stone. *Waits*........
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Why I'm Not On Facebook
As a returned member to the Facebook community, I was strongly prompted to erase this post! But I decided against it because I still feel the same way! I use Facebook for promotional uses only; I'm reaching an audience that I never could have before, my book and business being exposed to people all around the world, and yes, re-connecting with people I've lost contact with. So, please don't read this post and think I am a hypocrite. And before you go, make sure you add me! Lol! Facebook.com/IAmAngelaWilson**

Okkkk...So I have finally concluded that I am probably the last person on this earth that is not on Facebook. Everyone has a Facebook, and everyone asks me to get one. But for some reason, as hard as I freakin` frackin` try, I just can not get into the Facebook!
There are numerous reasons as to why I feel this way...
First of all, Facebook is in my business a little too much! News reports to this day still suggest that Facebook is used to for identity theft, the very reason why Facebook was created. Not to "socially network" with friends from 3rd grade, but to steal information that you enter.

Second of all, I hate the fact that a person has 1200 Facebook friends, but only knows no more than 75 of them. Most of the friends people have on Facebook they have never met in their entire lives, and will never meet in their entire lives. There just random people from across the country who they online befriend. If we were to really get technical, if we were to count our true friends...most of us would not be able to count beyond the fingers on one hand...let alone 1000 plus random people.
Third of all, your business is made so easy to access. In 2004, when Facebook became the new "it" thing, it was cool and simplistic. Cool privacy settings, simple layout, etc. It was when Facebook started the "news feeds" was when I knew Facebook was NOT for me. Before people at least had to search for your business, now thanks to news feeds, as soon as you log in, all of your recent activity is laid out perfectly for all of your 1200 friends to view! How fun! In addition to the complications of Facebook, people really do put their business on their profiles! AND PLEASE NOTE, ANYTHING ABOUT YOU IS BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Contrary to popular belief, business is not just the super personal information about yourself.

Example: I started my period today! Yikes!
I just got the best sex everrrrrr!
This of course is TMI, but anything that you put on your profile is considered business, especially pictures. If one of your 1200 friends wants to know what you did this weekend, they look on your Facebook. If one of your 1200 friends wants to know is your single, they look on your Facebook. If one of your 1200 friends wants to know who you hang out with, they look in your albums. And since people have 20+ albums, this "business" is not hard to find.
Fourth of all, your profile is never truly deleted. Last year, I attempted to give Facebook a try. As soon as I put in my old email and password, my whole previous profile popped up! Friends, pictures, everything that I had put on my profile years ago in 2006, WAS STILL RIGHT THERE! Heck, I was still getting tagged in pictures and I wasn't even on Facebook! That bothers me. That bothers me to know that "deactivating" my account means just that, deactivate, but still keeps all of my information, for as long as they want, and do with it whatever they want. Do you know that once you upload pictures, information, text into Facebooks server...it is never deleted?! As soon as you hit the upload button, your pictures become the property of Facebook. They can do whatever they want with it. Sorry, I"ll pass.

Fifth of all, employers look to Facebook pages during the hiring process. Employees have both been fired from their jobs and/or lost out on a job opportunity. Studies have shown that employers look to social networking sites to look up on potential employers. Even if your page is private (which is really helpful even though you got 1200 friends), a lot of people accept friend request regardless of if they know you or not, giving clear access to everything on your profile. One of these "friends" could be your interviewer who will see that picture of you giving that one dude from that one party a drunken lap dance that one night.
Sixth of all, there is a reason why I don't talk to you anymore. If I have not heard from you since high school, please believe there is a reason for it! All the people in my life who I love, care about, and desire to have a friendship with...guess what, I do! It is nice to hear from people that you went to preschool with, but it is not that serious and I really don't care to know all that much. I really enjoyed Facebook when it was created just for college students, you know, way back in 2004. But then Facebook became public, and instead of needing a college email address to access, all you needed was an email address to access. Opening the doors for predators, lames, fake profiles, etc. Sorry, I'll pass.
Seventh of all, I dislike Facebook thugs. I have no respect for internet gangstas. The people who hide behind their keyboards and use Facebook for their battles. I'm sorry, what you put in your status does not make you hard. What you put in your comments on somebody elses profile does not make you a G. Cowards use Facebook as their platform to solve their "beefs".
Eighth of all, the profile picture of women posing slutty is not cute. Bending over showing your "Assets" will not change your face. It is not classy and is mediocre soft porn. Those sexy flicks you paid $400 dollars for your man should be kept between, guess who, you and your man! The whole world does not need to see every crack and crevice. Hoping people will see your "sexsay" profile picture to up your Facebook friend count will not bring you more joy in your life. A nice beauty shot will do just fine, please and thankyou.
For promotions sake, I will have to join Facebook when my book is released in July. All these reasons and more are reasons why I think Facebook is the devil. And I hate the devil.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 18
As we mature, we look back over our young tender years and realize all the mistakes we've made. Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20; and it is so funny how AFTER the fact you realize all the red flags. AFTER the fact you see now what you should have saw then. But the trouble is not in making mistakes, it is in not learning from them. Test are always repeated until the lesson is learned. If you continue to fail God's test, you will repeat it until you get the message, learn the lesson, and do better next time. Making mistakes is the only way to grow, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. At least you know now not to make that same mistake again; labeling yourself as "insane" (trying the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result).
At 24 years old, there was some things mama just could not teach me. The best teacher is this little thing called, Life. Showing me the good, the bad, and the ugly. No amount of lectures, screaming or berating could keep me from doing what I wanted to do! And as I have gotten older, there were just some things I wished I would have listen to...

Ladies, we are not in the business of trying to keep a man who don't want to be kept (Poetic Justice, holla!) By nature a man is a hunter, he has the mentally to chase, hunt, and go after what he wants. The man in all cases should be chasing YOU! For you are the prize! If a man wants you, please believe he will SHOW you. A man will go after what he wants, and it will be clear, no doubts, no questions. He will actually make the effort to show his interest, and to follow through. And guess what, if he is not doing that, he is just not that into you! Period. You don't have to convince anyone to be with you. And I am sure you don't want someone who needs convincing.

I wish I knew Him better when I was 18.
But thankyou Lord, now He has me right where He wants me! Living with purpose, overflowing joy, unfair favor, and testimony to share, God is teaching me who He is. I noticed the hand of God in my past situations, even though I did not see them.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Joe- "Miss My Baby"
Sooo mad Joe is one of my favorite artists...yet one of the most underrated! His voice puts to shame some of these artists out now. This song reminds me of summer. Just being in love. With whoever.
Making Progress...

I am not where I am supposed to be, but Thank God I'm not where I used to be!
Thank God for progress!!
Thank God for growth, vision, clarity, and perfected destiny!
I just spent the last 4 hours in the computer lab handling. my. business. I got so much accomplished, I feel so good that I made progress. Each day that passes is one step closer to my dreams. Yayyy, me! Lol
Sometimes I find myself doubting myself, coming down on myself. But I realized that I am exactly where I am supposed to be! God is guiding my every step, my every movement. I know that I can do nothing without Him, so I lean on Him and come to Him first and foremost to lead me on my way.
I encourage you to not look at what you have not accomplished, or what has yet to be done, but look at your successes! Look at how far you have come! Look at how much you've been through, and realize that you survived!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha, take that, take that *In my Diddy voice and shiny suit*.
Whatever life throws at me I'm gonna throw it right back! I'm about my business! And when God is for me, who on earth can be against me?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Life is Just Too Short!

It reads:
To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.
To make all my friends feel that there is something worth while in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of
others as I am about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the
greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile
to every living creature I meet.
To give so much time to improving myself that I
have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud word, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side,
so long as I am true to the best that is in me.
--Christian D. Larson
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Dream Board

We all have dreams. We all have those childhood fantasies that followed us from our innocent childhoods; though some varied, changed, or just flat out lost our interest. As a grown woman, one dream of mine still remains the same. Being successful. Drake and Trey Songz sang it best, as success if something I believe everyone wants to achieve.
But despite everyones strong willed desire for betterment and achievement, not everyone definition of success is the same. My definition of success may differ from yours, and vice versa. And that is a critical statement in planning your goals, executing the path to them, and successfully maintaining them. Never should you compare what you want out of life to another, who knows what their journey is like. You will probably never know, not to mention the risk of trying to find out.
My personal definition of success is happiness. Happiness and fulfillment in every area of my life. Every area;
including my finances, relationship with God, relationship with myself (I am my own best friend), relationship with family and friends, career, social life, career, education, the list goes on.
A avid fan of inspirational Christian literature, a "dream board" has been a term I have stumbled across too many times to ignore. A "dream board" is a board composed of all the things you want to accomplish, receive and/or do. A collage, composed of your life's personal dreams. After it is completed, you can hang it by your mirror in your bedroom, or in the bathroom, or by the front door of your home, to serve as a reminder of what your purpose is. Here are a few examples of a Dream Board.

Here are a few examples of what is on MY dream board!

Growing Closer to God everyday of my life. My relationship with Him is the only one that really matters.

I will launch on very own foundation, "Daughters of the King", geared and catering to young minority girls in the urban areas of the country. Founded on empowerment, love, and God, my foundation will encourage, and inspire girls to greatness!

Currently in production, my first published book will be finished, and available for retail THIS SUMMER! Thank you God for vision and annointing! And you will be the first to know!

And a convertible wouldn't hurt either! Nothing like driving in downtown Chicago, wind through your hair and the pedal to the metal on those summer 80 degree nights with the city engulfing you. Make you feel like you made it.
When I am 100% fulfilled in all of the above areas, to me, I AM SUCCESSFUL. I do not need the latest and greatest runway fashions, the speediest car, roomest house, or a dozen of friends constantly surrounding me for validation. God told me to stop trying to fit in, when He made me to stand out. When my relationship with God is in good standing, each day that passes we grow closer together, nothing can take my joy. The world did not give it to me, so the world can not take it away.
What would be on your Dream Board? I encourage you to make one, and even upload it. I'd love to see it! You never know who will draw inspiration from you.
Goapele- Closer
Monday, April 19, 2010
Inspiration for the Week

Below are a few tips on starting your new season off right, based loosely from an article in Essence Magazine. I read this a few months back, and found it extremely helpful, so I had to share it! Read on and please add on to the list!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Golddigging vs. Standards

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I Admit...

Sometimes we all need a good ole' admit it day. I know as Black women we attempt to uphold the SBW Syndrome, also known as Stron Black Woman Syndrome; being strong all the time, and all the time being strong. Giving of ourselves relentlessly, unforgivingly forgetting our needs and our wants. Lately I have learned so much about myself, Thankyou Lord for gentle conviction and loving kindess being patient with me.
I look at a piece of paper as a canvas. Unlike a diary, on a piece of paper I write down what I admit to. Admit to myself, as a woman, as a daughter of the King, as a mother, as an everything. It acts like a mirror without the reflection. Instead of looking back at your eyes, you look back at what you look like internally.
What do you admit to? What do you know you need to change in your life, but are so afraid of change that fear has crippled your growth? I'll go first, and hopefully you too will do this at home.
*I admit that I don't trust God nearly as much as I should.
*I admit that I am too hard on myself. I beat myself up for the mistakes I make. I find it hard to forgive myself.
*I admit sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough.
*I admit to doubting myself, sometimes sabatoging myself.
*I admit to allowing my past hinder my future. I look back more often than I'd like too, even though God himself told me on numerous occasions that my past can not even be compared to my future.
*I admit to procrastinating.
What about you? My list is way longer, but I'll leave the rest between God and I. Write what you admit to in the comments, I'm eager to hear. We can all be of inspiration to one another. Don't be afraid to do some internal cleansing. Don't let your emotions and feelings get to a dangerous point. Let it out, and work at it.
Monday, March 22, 2010
And This Is Only The Beginning...

I know I have been missing in action but do not fret, I'm baaccckkkkk!!!! Life has been so busy and God has been so good! Everyday God shows me who He is. Everyday God gently, but with conviction lets me know that He is God, and not I. That it is HE who is in control, and not I. Every passing hour I grow more grateful for who He is to me, and His undeserving love and mercy toward a wretch like me. He allows me to understand the situations that have occured in my past; they were all stepping stones to my destiny.
Where are you stepping? Forwards? Backwards? Or are you standing still? Are you just floating through life? Taking life as it give it to you? Are you trusting in God? Are you resting in His overwhelming love? His loving arms that never fails you, even when your wrong?
God revealed to me that this is JUST the beginning. I look at how far I have come, and it is utterly unspeakable how good God is, how far He's brought me, how good He is in my life! And this is just the start!
I GOT BAPTISED THIS WEEKEND!, and it was one of the most powerful, spiritual, emotional moments I have ever experienced! As I was dumped in the water, the swishing and swashing of the water against my body, I thought about the death and resurrection of our God. He took me to a deeper level with Him. Thank you God.
And this is only the beginning... I am so ready! Are you? Are you ready for God to take you to a higher level? Are you ready for your upgrade?