Even after all the drama that Chris Brown has endured, though 100% self-inflicted, I am still an avid fan of Chris Brown. Regardless of what your personal opinions of him are, his singing, dancing, and performing talents are strictly undeniable.
I find it incredibly funny how quickly people judge one another. The all so famous "Chriannagate" scandal was just one prime example.
**I never condone physical violence! By a man or a woman, it is never justified to put your hands on another person!**
Now that I got that out of the way, no one knows what went down the now infamous night between Rihanna and Chris, only they and God will ever truly know. It is not my place, nor anyone else's to attempt to try to figure it out either. No one is in a position to judge anyone!!!!!! That's what makes it so hilarious to me how people are quick to chant his name as,"Beat her down Brown", or "Fist Brown", when they are not in the public eye and their actions are not on a world stage. When you point the finger, four point back directly to you. I am positive that more than half the people who now claim to hate Chris like a vampire hates garlic are the ones who have more than enough skeletons in their own damn closets. But no one sees them; or at least the whole entire world doesn't. I am sure that their are elements of your past, (and present, for some) that are not favorable to you or your image (self included); things you most likely regret doing, or ashamed or embarassed for anyone to fnd out you've done.
I find it funny how certain celebrities are indeed treated differently when it comes to the law. Charlie Sheen, a repeat domestic abuse offender, recently had been convicted of domestic abuse. This middle aged white man received a slap on the wrist and a brief probation sentence. I guess the star of one of the most popular prime time comedies, "Two and a Half Men", must be available for tapings!
Let's not forget R. Kelly. A living legend undoubtedly, but for more reasons than his sex-ed up ballads. Even after his sex tape molestation case and alleged underage marriage with a then 15 year old Aaliyah, Kells continued to pump out hits; his sexsay songs in constant radio rotation.
It is easy to forget that Chris Brown is human, too! *gasps in shock* He is not perfect. Internally I laugh at anyone who holds a grudge against a person THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!
People act as if they were the one in the car with Chris, and not Rihanna! They are more avid about the whole situation more than Rihanna is! Both parties have moved on, looking to their bright futures that lie ahead for them. If Rihanna, the person who the offense was actually committed to, forgave and forgot (?), how silly does it look for another person who they will never cross paths with hold a grudge against Chris? How silly is it to not like a person you have never met?
You can dislike his songs, his dance routines, his performances all you want, but bashing one man who made a mistake in his personal life will unfortunately not bring you any more joy into your life. All it does is cast out negative energy which always returns to it's sender. They are celebrities, their job is to entertain us. I am still a huge fan and supporter of Chris Brown. Besides when he makes songs like this...
And Most Definitely This...
What's not to like? :) If you've never made a mistake, puhleaze cast the first stone. *Waits*........
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