Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Are You?

-"The definition of a "me" is one who is confident, yet humble, intelligentyet teachable, stylish, yet polished, educated, yet learns something new daily. She electrifies the room with her presence, attracting all eyes to her inner glow and unforgettable smile. Her eyes glisten, her heart is passionate, head on straight and style on point. Three inch heels are considered her flats, as she struts like the HoneyBee she is. She drips of divine favor; swag is addicted to her, confidence exudes her and destiny awaits her. Trends she defy, as she struts to be the beat of her own drum. A does not fit in, she was not designed to. She was perfectly designed as an upgrade; a young woman of stature and fun personality. I.Am.Angela."

So...Who are you? A wise old birdie once told me to be myself, because everyone else was taken. What makes you, you? Why are you unique? What can you do that no one on this earth, living or dead and those yet to be born or conceived can do as good as you? We are all genuises, in our own way. Everyone can teach someone something. What makes YOU special? When you look in the mirror, what makes you smile and wanna kiss your own self? Lol!

You are your best quality. Invest in it. Laugh harder. Smile brighter, and be you, cause can't nobody do you the way you can! (Had to throw a Lil' Wayne quote in there!) Lol

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hmm...Are You Serious?

It is 2010, is THIS what we have come to? The above picture is just one of three billboards in Atlanta, San Francisco and New York City of a mistress of one of President Obama's advisors, Charles Phillips. Apparently, she got soooo mad, she elected to pay 50,000 each for each billboard, showing their "love" and soul tie.

So, are you really serious LaVaughnie? I am not judging, but...sheesh. When will women learn? According to reports, YaVaughnie became angry and (desperate) after Charles left her and returned to his wife, Karen. I dont know whether to feel sorry for her...or burst out laughing.

We all have had our share of heartbreak; I know how it feels. But when you know a man is married, and he does not leave his wife for you, the mistress gets upset and seeks revenge. This is the extreme case (I think...I hope!)

When will women realize their worth? We are all divine creatures, extremely beautiful and perfectly crafted. Just how you are, right now, is how you are suppose to be. Every freckle, dimple, and pimple is in the right place! God does not make mistakes, and He created us all in His image. Of course we can work on improvement; there may be qualities or bad habits that do not compliment us or work to our good, but we all deserve happiness!

We do not deserve second best; being second or lacking does not run in my family. Confidence, favor, and blessings are addicted to me, as they follow me everywhere I go. I give myself nothing but the best, and I expect it in return. YaVaughnie, what about you?

She even created a website dedicated to Charles and her affair.

Women, take note. Someone can not ride your back unless your bent over. Men love a woman with standards, get some. Respect before anything.

Hopefully, this is a lesson learned. I will pray for her for healing, peace and guidance. Everything is in perfect order...but this...God will have to handle!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!! So thankful to be here for another year, as many people did not see their 24th birthday. I am so grateful to have the health and the wealth to celebrate Gods goodness!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thankful For Valleys

Variety is the spice of life!...right? Change is not always easy, but I promise you it is almost always for the better. It is a new year, 2010! A new decade, old things are of the past, on to the future. No regrets, because everything we've been through have made me the woman I am today. I have upgraded tremendously, esquisitely made over, transformed for greatness.

Through the past 3 years, I have grown to enjoy, and endure (yes, you read that right, Enjoy!, lol) any challenges that I face, because it is a personal wake up call from God. He wants to get your attention, so He will sometimes use uncomfortable situations to get your attention. God may hide your greatest need in the person you can't stand the most. It's all apart of the process, honey! Nothing is overnight, and I have come to learn that valleys, or challenges, equals blessings. Behind your biggest obstacle, is your biggest blessing. Behind your biggest fight, is your biggest victory. So yes, bigger is better!

Whenever you go through something, God wants to upgrade you. It is His way of letting you know that He has more for you, but you must get rid of the old to get to the new. He can't fill full hands. How can anyone bless you with something if your hands are full? Sometimes we may have to be stripped of some things that God himself is trying to take away. It is all for our greater good. Everything works out in the end, and we'll understand it more, by and by.

Personally, God is the ultimate architect. He has perfect blueprints, compared to my elementary drawings. He created the perfect puzzle, and every day I see the pieces come together...perfectly. Yes, perfectly. He is so great!

Let God give you more! Don't you want more? I know you do because that is how we were designed. We were designed for greatness, even before we were even conceived! God didn't give you the desires of your heart for nothing! I know for sure God gave me expensive taste because I am destined to be prosperous, that's why I only like quality things. I am already bred, and being prepare daily for my ultimate destiny, before it even comes. I am walking my faith, and not my sight.

Everything that I want, I already have it, I just dont recognize it yet. (Whoo...let me take a sec, that was deep.).............................(Waiting...Waiting..............O.K!)

I am already a New York Bestseller, my book is success is already done, I am being prepared for it. Just like you! Everything that we encounter, good or bad, is directly connected to our growth. Un-ideal situations, challenging co-workers, irritating parents, cheating boyfriends, are all to help us grow! Grow to our perfect destiny of internal joy (not happiness, because being happy is a feeling, and feelings change), and peace that surpasses all understanding. Obstacles sharpen our skills. They show our character, how strong we are under pressure.

Now whenever I feel a valley coming, I yield to it, thanking Jesus first, and asking God to change me. Yes, me, change me, not my situation. I wont grow or learn if I dont go through it. "To get to it, you gotsa go through it!" God changes you, and brings you closer to Him during your most weakest and vulnerable times; thats when you get to know Him for yourself, for who He is and how He is. As you draw closer to Him, He'll draw closer to you. Elevating you above all, all to His glory, so everybody know, you are nothing less, than His child.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mission: Greatness.

Happy New Year! 2010 is the Year of Action! Are you ready? Like Nike says, "Just Do It"! Are you on a journey to greatness? Are you chasing, not following, after your dreams? The new year is a new start, a new season, a transition to everything you always wanted! From my own experience, I'm going to give you a few pointers to help you be your best you. Now is the time girlfriend, urgency is key! Time really is money! Off to Mission: GREATNESS!!!! In 5,4,3,2,1...

1.) Recognize Your Potential!
There is no one in this world like you! Be yourself, everybody else is taken. Can't nobody do you the way you can do you. You are unique in everyway, recognize it. Make a list of all the things you like about yourself, and a list of the things you wish to improve on. Affirm your good qualities, and work on the areas needing improvement. Use sticky notes of inspiration or bible verses on your bathroom mirror, so the first thing you read in the morning is something positive and encouraging! The world is waiting for you to put your lasting mark on it! The history books are anxiously awaiting for you! Remember, there's always someone out there who needs your service, that's linked to your passion, fulfilling your God given purpose.

What is it your good at? Who do you have a passion for? What person or group of people mean the most to you? That's your purpose,honey! Get to it, their waiting! Procrastination is lazinesses best friend. They go hand in hand, and complement each other, all to your demise. Get it going, times a waisting!

2.)Get Your Swagger Up!
Me, ladies and gentlemen, is a force to be reckoned with. I'm the flyest person I know, the hardest working person I know (besides my mommy and daddy, of course!). I'm alllergic to be average. I'm addicted to swag. I'm allergic to being mediocore. I'm addicted to Jesus. And I'm allergic to weakness. Everything about me yells, "Hate On!". What about you? How do you carry yourself? What does your clothes say about you? Do you walk with your head up, with a smile as bright as the sun, or are you walking in defeat? Are you doubting yourself? Second guessing? You have the power! Whatever you want to do, you can do it!

Carry yourself like the queen you are! Sorry but I know my worth, and I'm not settling for half. I want it all!!! And Jesus said I can have it all, too. He has draped me in a little something called Favor, and it shows. He shows me off like a proud parent! Whether you know me or not, you know I am nothing else but a woman of God. A product of the Most High, who adores me, flaws and all. He's perfecting me every step of the way! Do you know Him? He is the reason for everything I am, and everything I'm not. I'm am His friend, and we have the best time together!

Now what about you sista?! Are you preparing to be the best you in 2010? The number 1 means a starting over. Do you know it's the end of the DECADE?! (In my Flava Flav's voice, (Wow!!!!!!!) We made it yall! Just think back on everything you been through this last decade, even this last year. And guess what, your still standing!!! HaHa take dat! Lol We're still standing, after everything we all been through. Do you know how strong you are? Do you know about the survivor in you? Are you aware of all you can do and become?!?!

Everything in the past is now gone. It's all gone. Jesus says in His Word He is doing a new thing! Do we not see it?! It's all around us! Decree and declare right now that the year 2010 is going to be the best year of your life! It's gonna be mine, that's for sure! This is just the beginning! You think I'm blessed now, you just wait!

(Part II Coming Soon!)