Saturday, December 26, 2009


Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays to all! Jesus is the reason for the season, He's the reason why we sing!

The holiday season can be so stressful for many, sometimes for me too! All the shopping, cooking, gathering, can be tiring and draining. It can also be draining mentally and emotionally, as depression rates rise tremendously during the holiday season. As great as the holidays can be for some, it is NOT the "wonderful time of the year".

It is times like these when you realize whats really important. You realize that family is priceless. Yes, gifts are good, especially since diamonds are a girls best friend (and a pair of killer boots, but I digress). I take this time of the year as a season of renewal. This season is a reminder of just how far God has brought me. I take this opportunity to look back over the year; the blunders and the joys.

My mom told me something that has been chaning my daily walk with Christ. It was some of the best advice I've received in a long time! She told me that whenever I start to look to my past, or think negative thoughts, valid or not, simply say, TRANSFER. Transfer it to Jesus, and give it to Him, for He is the only one who understands. He is the only one who is there for me unconditionally, gracefully merciful, with an overabundance of peace that surpasses all understanding! Just with that simple word, it does so much. Immediately Jesus gives me strength. He lets me know, in the sweetest, gentlest way, that it is OK. He paid the price for everything already, and is more than ready to provide me with whatever it is I need.

So during this hectic holiday season, and as we walk into the year 2010, the year of ACTION, transfer all your worries, fears, doubts, insecurities on The Lord. He'll never fail you.

I am at a place of perfect contentment. I am thankful for what I have, and for what I dont have. Everything is in perfect order, God has me exactly where I need to be. Everyday He shows me how to walk, how to talk, how to be a woman of God. Everyday He teaches me, is patient with me as our relationship grows closer and closer.

I'm transfering...are you?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Walking In My Destiny...But Afraid of Success?!

God is soooo good!!!!!!!!

Ok, now that I got that out, I can begin to pour out my thoughts to my very faithful blogger audience! I have been through so much, and accomplished more than I could imagine, and I'm so grateful. At times I find it more than easy to get frustrated looking at my journey and how far I have to go. So now instead I look behind me, at how far I've come. I have been through deep waters, but they were just to cleanse me and I am truly a different person.

I walk differently. I talk differently. The very essence of me as...hmm...whats the word, upgraded. I have matured greatly, and have been exaulted. I know that God is doing a great work in me, and He never starts something that He wont finish! Preach, sistagirl!

But at times I can feel myself sabotaging myself. I think I'm afraid of success! I think I'm secretly afraid of making it. Of making all my dreams come true, and whats makes it even scarier is because I'm closer than ever before! The closer I get, the more hesitant I become. Cause once you reach your goals; the goals you've worked so long and so hard on, filled with all the blood, sweat, tears and lip gloss, and you finally reach your dream!.....What now? Ok, I got it, I did it, but now what comes next?

And that folks is what I have a fear of. I have a fear of being desolate. A fear of being average. Because as long as I am working toward something I have a purpose, a passion. And once I reach it I feel like maybe "the thrill is gone"!

But I have been challenging myself more than ever on my path to GREATNESS! I am in the business of success, honey! Nothing about me is mediocore or average. Jesus said I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not below.

Jesus calls me blessed and highly favored among women. Each goal I have is a opportunity for growth, maturity, and more importantly a closer walk with Jesus. Because if I never cried at night, I'd never know Him. If I never got frustrated or hurt, I'd never know who Jesus really is to me, and how He loves me so much.

So every time I reach a goal, rather its small or huge, I celebrate it, and look for my next challenge! Because after every challenge is a victory! It's a spiritual and mental and emotional upgrade! I go higher and higher and higher and higher and higher. And theres nothing, and I mean nothing that can stop my greatness.

How great are you?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

God Has Been So Good To Me!

Alrightly folks, your reading this through a computer, but I wish you could see the smile on my face! Ha ha! I'm joyful peoples!!! Not happy, because happy is a feeling, and as we all know, feelings change. I am joyful! God has been working with me and I am so grateful to know that I'm on His mind! Yes, the God who made the sun, the moon, and the stars, the one who clothed the lillies of the land, and the one who wrote the songs for the birds to sing! He is thinking about me, wants me to do good, wants to bless me abundantly, and wants to exault me! Amen!

What more can I say? I can say that I have come a long, long, long, long, long, long, (your not gonna make me type the word long out a million times are you?), (ok, thanx!), a long time have I come darnit! I look back on where I used to be and sometimes I cry. I cry out of sadness, I cry of guiltiness, I cry for the happy memories that I had. And its crazy because all these emotions are opposite, so sometimes I cry and dont even know what for after awhile!

I have been taught so much about life, people, God and myself. I learned how strong I really am. I learned that I am not perfect, and I have a lot to learn. I am growing at a rapid rate, and I'm taking no prisoners! I'm finally loving life. i'm finally, as people in the streets say...doin' me. I'm doing what makes me smile. I'm investing in my brillance! Muahhhhhh, ha,ha, ha,, um, ha. So uh, yeah.

I thank God for the deep waters I went through. They were not meant to drown me anyway, but to cleanse me. I have been born again, and I have started all over again! I am so excited about my future, God has so much for me!

My foundation, Daughters of the King is launching in January 2010, and my book will be published this year. My birthday is in January, I'm starting a new year, in anew city with a new frame of mind and ways of thinking! I thank God for picking me. I thank God for choosing me, a wretch who is nothing and less than nothing. I can not tell you enough how good God has been to me.

I am blessed, and HIGHLY FAVORED. This world is mine for the taking! If you dont want to be apart of it, at least you get to witness. Right?