Heyyyyy everybody in web land! I've been wanting to start a blog for since like, years ago, but never got around to it. But nevertheless, I'm here! This blog is for me, to express whats going on in and around me. Hopefully there's women out here who can relate to me. My struggles, my joys, my highs and my lows. I'm looking to inspire. I'm looking to share my story and testimony of where I been, and where god has brought me!
I'm building my empire!!! (Muahh-ha-ha-ha!). The year of 2010 is the start of my empire. I'm an now fearless. I'm going after everything that I wanted, and everything that I procrastinated about. Everything that I put off, I'm now doing! I'm so proud of myself!
Since 2007 I been trying to write my book, I am now almost finished typing it, and by the end of the year I want it to be done, complete, polished and spit-shined, at the doorstep of every publisher in America. In January I'm launching, "Daughters of the King", it's a Christian ministry for young minority women to promote sisterhood, growth, self-value, and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Oh yes, watch me fly, folks!
Coming to you live, well not live but you know what I mean!, from Chicago, Illinois life is gggrrreeeattttt! From the hoods of East Cleveland, to Columbus, Ohio to Chicago, Illinois my journey has been filled with tears. Tears of joy, tears of pain, tears of happiness and tears of hurt. But I've come along way, and it's all because of Jesus! He gets all my glory and praise honey! You betta recognize!
So through my blog, Miss Thang in the City, I'll be talking about everything from fashion, to spirituality, to men, to shoes, and everything else that affects African American women, really women in general even tho I believe we sistas have a bond (though some "sistas" dont care too much for it, but I digress :)).
I want to you to enjoy my journey and chirp in! I want to hear from you. Advice, comments, feedbacks, even criticisms. I"m open, and I"m free.
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