Alrightly folks, your reading this through a computer, but I wish you could see the smile on my face! Ha ha! I'm joyful peoples!!! Not happy, because happy is a feeling, and as we all know, feelings change. I am joyful! God has been working with me and I am so grateful to know that I'm on His mind! Yes, the God who made the sun, the moon, and the stars, the one who clothed the lillies of the land, and the one who wrote the songs for the birds to sing! He is thinking about me, wants me to do good, wants to bless me abundantly, and wants to exault me! Amen!
What more can I say? I can say that I have come a long, long, long, long, long, long, (your not gonna make me type the word long out a million times are you?), (ok, thanx!), a long time have I come darnit! I look back on where I used to be and sometimes I cry. I cry out of sadness, I cry of guiltiness, I cry for the happy memories that I had. And its crazy because all these emotions are opposite, so sometimes I cry and dont even know what for after awhile!
I have been taught so much about life, people, God and myself. I learned how strong I really am. I learned that I am not perfect, and I have a lot to learn. I am growing at a rapid rate, and I'm taking no prisoners! I'm finally loving life. i'm finally, as people in the streets say...doin' me. I'm doing what makes me smile. I'm investing in my brillance! Muahhhhhh, ha,ha, ha, ha.............hm, um, ha. So uh, yeah.
I thank God for the deep waters I went through. They were not meant to drown me anyway, but to cleanse me. I have been born again, and I have started all over again! I am so excited about my future, God has so much for me!
My foundation, Daughters of the King is launching in January 2010, and my book will be published this year. My birthday is in January, I'm starting a new year, in anew city with a new frame of mind and ways of thinking! I thank God for picking me. I thank God for choosing me, a wretch who is nothing and less than nothing. I can not tell you enough how good God has been to me.
I am blessed, and HIGHLY FAVORED. This world is mine for the taking! If you dont want to be apart of it, at least you get to witness. Right?
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