God is soooo good!!!!!!!!
Ok, now that I got that out, I can begin to pour out my thoughts to my very faithful blogger audience! I have been through so much, and accomplished more than I could imagine, and I'm so grateful. At times I find it more than easy to get frustrated looking at my journey and how far I have to go. So now instead I look behind me, at how far I've come. I have been through deep waters, but they were just to cleanse me and I am truly a different person.
I walk differently. I talk differently. The very essence of me as...hmm...whats the word, upgraded. I have matured greatly, and have been exaulted. I know that God is doing a great work in me, and He never starts something that He wont finish! Preach, sistagirl!
But at times I can feel myself sabotaging myself. I think I'm afraid of success! I think I'm secretly afraid of making it. Of making all my dreams come true, and whats makes it even scarier is because I'm closer than ever before! The closer I get, the more hesitant I become. Cause once you reach your goals; the goals you've worked so long and so hard on, filled with all the blood, sweat, tears and lip gloss, and you finally reach your dream!.....What now? Ok, I got it, I did it, but now what comes next?
And that folks is what I have a fear of. I have a fear of being desolate. A fear of being average. Because as long as I am working toward something I have a purpose, a passion. And once I reach it I feel like maybe "the thrill is gone"!
But I have been challenging myself more than ever on my path to GREATNESS! I am in the business of success, honey! Nothing about me is mediocore or average. Jesus said I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not below.
Jesus calls me blessed and highly favored among women. Each goal I have is a opportunity for growth, maturity, and more importantly a closer walk with Jesus. Because if I never cried at night, I'd never know Him. If I never got frustrated or hurt, I'd never know who Jesus really is to me, and how He loves me so much.
So every time I reach a goal, rather its small or huge, I celebrate it, and look for my next challenge! Because after every challenge is a victory! It's a spiritual and mental and emotional upgrade! I go higher and higher and higher and higher and higher. And theres nothing, and I mean nothing that can stop my greatness.
How great are you?
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