I will be featured in a in-depth interview about my newly released book, "Miss Thang! Destiny Fulfilled!" Be sure to pick up your copy hitting newstands starting December 1st 2010 or visit www.ampschicago.com
2010 has been such an awesome year for me! God is so good...and yes, HE gets all the credit! 2011 will be even better! I'm speaking over my future, encouraging myself in Christ. I have no other choice. He didn't give up on me...there's NO way I should give up. I've come too far to stop now!
September 2010 I published my first book! And I'm currently working on the follow-up book to "Destiny Fulfilled" entitled, "Crown Holder", which will be released Fall of 2011! In addition, I'm working a completely different career move. (Shhhh...it's semi-secret!) Super excited where God is taking me!
I'm determined to live my life to the fullest..."Golden" as Jill Scott sings it! Life is just too short to not follow my dreams. I'm chasing my dreams...forget following them. I'm literally stalking them...until they become a reality.
As the year of 2011 fastly approaches, I'm ready for the world. I'm ready to upgrade to another level in every area; closer to God, career wise, family wise and school wise. And I know for a fact...God will NOT let me lose!
Gladys Knight "I Hope You Dance": My New Theme Song
"When you get the choice, to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance!!! I hope you dance."