**Update 10-27-2010:
As a returned member to the Facebook community, I was strongly prompted to erase this post! But I decided against it because I still feel the same way! I use Facebook for promotional uses only; I'm reaching an audience that I never could have before, my book and business being exposed to people all around the world, and yes, re-connecting with people I've lost contact with. So, please don't read this post and think I am a hypocrite. And before you go, make sure you add me! Lol! Facebook.com/IAmAngelaWilson**
Okkkk...So I have finally concluded that I am
probably the last person on this earth that is not on
Facebook. Everyone has a
Facebook, and everyone asks me to get one. But for some reason, as hard as I
frackin` try, I just can not get into the
There are numerous reasons as to why I feel this way...
First of all,
Facebook is in my business a little too much! News reports to this day still suggest that
Facebook is used to for identity theft, the very reason why
Facebook was created. Not to "socially network" with friends from 3rd grade, but to steal information that you enter.
Second of all, I hate the fact that a person has 1200
Facebook friends, but only knows no more than 75 of them. Most of the friends people have on
Facebook they have never met in their entire lives, and will never meet in their entire lives. There just random people from across the country who they online befriend. If we were to really get technical, if we were to count our true friends...most of us would not be able to count beyond the fingers on one hand...let alone 1000 plus random people.
Third of all, your business is made so easy to access. In 2004, when
Facebook became the new "it" thing, it was cool and simplistic. Cool privacy settings, simple layout, etc. It was when
Facebook started the "news feeds" was when I knew
Facebook was NOT for me. Before people at least had to search for your business, now thanks to news feeds, as soon as you
log in, all of your recent activity is laid out perfectly for all of your 1200 friends to view! How fun! In addition to the complications of
Facebook, people really do put their business on their profiles! AND PLEASE NOTE, ANYTHING ABOUT YOU IS BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Contrary to popular belief, business is not just the super personal information about yourself.

Example: I started my period today! Yikes!
I just got the best sex
This of course is
TMI, but anything that you put on your profile is considered business, especially pictures. If one of your 1200 friends wants to know what you did this weekend, they look on your
Facebook. If one of your 1200 friends wants to know is your single, they look on your
Facebook. If one of your 1200 friends wants to know who you hang out with, they look in your albums. And since people have 20+ albums, this "business" is not hard to find.
Fourth of all, your profile is never truly deleted. Last year, I attempted to give
Facebook a try. As soon as I put in my old email and password, my whole previous profile popped up! Friends, pictures, everything that I had put on my profile years ago in 2006, WAS STILL RIGHT THERE! Heck, I was still getting tagged in pictures and I wasn't even on
Facebook! That bothers me. That bothers me to know that "deactivating" my account means just that, deactivate, but still keeps all of my information, for as long as they want, and do with it whatever
they want. Do you know that once you upload pictures, information, text into
Facebooks server...it is never deleted?! As soon as you hit the upload button, your pictures become the property of
Facebook. They can do whatever they want with it. Sorry, I"ll pass.
Fifth of all, employers look to
Facebook pages during the hiring process. Employees have both been fired from their jobs and/or lost out on a job opportunity. Studies have shown that employers look to social networking sites to look up on potential employers. Even if your page is private (which is really helpful even though you got 1200 friends), a lot of people accept friend request regardless of if they know you or not, giving clear access to everything on your profile. One of these "friends" could be your interviewer who will see that picture of you giving that one dude from that one party a drunken lap dance that one night.
Sixth of all, there is a reason why I don't talk to you anymore. If I have not heard from you since high school, please believe there is a reason for it! All the people in my life who I love, care about, and desire to have a friendship with...guess what, I do! It is nice to hear from people that you went to preschool with, but it is not that serious and I really don't care to know all that much. I really enjoyed
Facebook when it was created just for college students, you know, way back in 2004. But then
Facebook became public, and instead of needing a college email address to access, all you needed was an email address to access. Opening the doors for predators, lames, fake profiles, etc. Sorry, I'll pass.
Seventh of all, I dislike
Facebook thugs. I have no respect for
internet gangstas. The people who hide behind their keyboards and use
Facebook for their battles. I'm sorry, what you put in your status does not make you hard. What you put in your comments on somebody
elses profile does not make you a G. Cowards use
Facebook as their platform to solve their "beefs".
Eighth of all, the profile picture of women posing slutty is not cute. Bending over showing your "Assets" will not change your face. It is not classy and is mediocre soft porn. Those sexy flicks you paid $400 dollars for your man should be kept between, guess who, you and your man! The whole world does not need to see every crack and crevice. Hoping people will see your "sexsay" profile picture to up your Facebook friend count will not bring you more joy in your life. A nice beauty shot will do just fine, please and thankyou.
For promotions sake, I will have to join
Facebook when my book is released in July. All these reasons and more are reasons why I think
Facebook is the devil. And I hate the devil.