Variety is the spice of life!...right? Change is not always easy, but I promise you it is almost always for the better. It is a new year, 2010! A new decade, old things are of the past, on to the future. No regrets, because everything we've been through have made me the woman I am today. I have upgraded tremendously, esquisitely made over, transformed for greatness.
Through the past 3 years, I have grown to enjoy, and endure (yes, you read that right, Enjoy!, lol) any challenges that I face, because it is a personal wake up call from God. He wants to get your attention, so He will sometimes use uncomfortable situations to get your attention. God may hide your greatest need in the person you can't stand the most. It's all apart of the process, honey! Nothing is overnight, and I have come to learn that valleys, or challenges, equals blessings. Behind your biggest obstacle, is your biggest blessing. Behind your biggest fight, is your biggest victory. So yes, bigger is better!
Whenever you go through something, God wants to upgrade you. It is His way of letting you know that He has more for you, but you must get rid of the old to get to the new. He can't fill full hands. How can anyone bless you with something if your hands are full? Sometimes we may have to be stripped of some things that God himself is trying to take away. It is all for our greater good. Everything works out in the end, and we'll understand it more, by and by.
Personally, God is the ultimate architect. He has perfect blueprints, compared to my elementary drawings. He created the perfect puzzle, and every day I see the pieces come together...perfectly. Yes, perfectly. He is so great!
Let God give you more! Don't you want more? I know you do because that is how we were designed. We were designed for greatness, even before we were even conceived! God didn't give you the desires of your heart for nothing! I know for sure God gave me expensive taste because I am destined to be prosperous, that's why I only like quality things. I am already bred, and being prepare daily for my ultimate destiny, before it even comes. I am walking my faith, and not my sight.
Everything that I want, I already have it, I just dont recognize it yet. (Whoo...let me take a sec, that was deep.).............................(Waiting...Waiting..............O.K!)
I am already a New York Bestseller, my book is success is already done, I am being prepared for it. Just like you! Everything that we encounter, good or bad, is directly connected to our growth. Un-ideal situations, challenging co-workers, irritating parents, cheating boyfriends, are all to help us grow! Grow to our perfect destiny of internal joy (not happiness, because being happy is a feeling, and feelings change), and peace that surpasses all understanding. Obstacles sharpen our skills. They show our character, how strong we are under pressure.
Now whenever I feel a valley coming, I yield to it, thanking Jesus first, and asking God to change me. Yes, me, change me, not my situation. I wont grow or learn if I dont go through it. "To get to it, you gotsa go through it!" God changes you, and brings you closer to Him during your most weakest and vulnerable times; thats when you get to know Him for yourself, for who He is and how He is. As you draw closer to Him, He'll draw closer to you. Elevating you above all, all to His glory, so everybody know, you are nothing less, than His child.
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