Valentine's Day can be the most happiest, joyfulest (is that even a word), wonderfulest holiday for a woman, or the exact opposite, one of lonliness, confusion, and cold stone bitterness. :( In my humble opinion, Valentines Day is what you make it! I have come to a point in my life that my joy is not dependent on anyone, not a man, friend, shoe or bag...(ok, maybe new shoes, but I digress...). My hope is in God, my very bestest Valentine who is the best Valentine a girl could ever have. That's why I believe V-Day landed on a Sunday; on the Sabbath, for all of us to enjoy the one who TRULY loves us the most. When you think about it, is there really even a comparison? Shoot, forget roses, my Valentine CREATED the roses! My Valentine spoke the color of the roses, and it was. Red, pink ,white? Take your pick! Forget a sunrise, my God CREATED the sun, told it when to rise and when to set!
With God, the perfect Valentine, I never have to worry if He'll leave me, or if I could trust Him. With God, He loves me unconditionally, flaws and all. He loves everything about me, despite my sometimes trippy attitude, occasional pity parties of 1 and my ungratefullness. He is my Valentine when it's not even Valentines Day!
If you didn't have anyone to take you out, take yo' self out! What you waiting for a man to do it fo'? If no one bought you roses, I hoped you bought yourself some. I hope you took care of yourself, like I did. I hope you treated yourself, and learned to love the company of YOU more than anybody else. I hope your happiness wasn't depended on a cheap dinner and a washed up movie. I hope you recognized your worth, and realized it more than ever that God is all that you need. He has you right where He wants you. He loves you so much, and I thank God that as much as I am in love with Him, He's in love with me!
I had the BESTESTESTEST Valentines weekend, one that no couples could have compared. Check mate.
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