I know I have been missing in action but do not fret, I'm baaccckkkkk!!!! Life has been so busy and God has been so good! Everyday God shows me who He is. Everyday God gently, but with conviction lets me know that He is God, and not I. That it is HE who is in control, and not I. Every passing hour I grow more grateful for who He is to me, and His undeserving love and mercy toward a wretch like me. He allows me to understand the situations that have occured in my past; they were all stepping stones to my destiny.
Where are you stepping? Forwards? Backwards? Or are you standing still? Are you just floating through life? Taking life as it give it to you? Are you trusting in God? Are you resting in His overwhelming love? His loving arms that never fails you, even when your wrong?
God revealed to me that this is JUST the beginning. I look at how far I have come, and it is utterly unspeakable how good God is, how far He's brought me, how good He is in my life! And this is just the start!
I GOT BAPTISED THIS WEEKEND!, and it was one of the most powerful, spiritual, emotional moments I have ever experienced! As I was dumped in the water, the swishing and swashing of the water against my body, I thought about the death and resurrection of our God. He took me to a deeper level with Him. Thank you God.
And this is only the beginning... I am so ready! Are you? Are you ready for God to take you to a higher level? Are you ready for your upgrade?